Why is post-procedure check-up important?

18. January 2016

It is natural that eyes require a bit of time to recover after a laser procedure. For quick and problem-free healing, we recommend patients to attend all post-procedure appointments.

Healing is a partnership

Recovery from a laser eye procedure varies from one patient to another, yet it is important to know that the patient has a crucial role in the process. The procedure itself is done at the vision clinic, but subsequent aftercare at home is essential. For the KSA team, your fast and comfortable recovery is important. The post-procedure check-up allows us to get a thorough overview of your eyes and vision, whilst also giving you an opportunity to ask any questions which can be answered and dealt with on the spot.

Use the eye drops correctly

In addition to controlling the eye pressure and reviewing the recovery process, at the post-procedure check-up we can also ensure the eye drops are being used correctly. At times we may suggest additional eye drops or revise the medication. It is also very important to allow your eyes to rest – it is recommended not to spend a lot of time in front of computer or TV screens as that could prolong the recovery process. By following the recommendations, your vision will be clear after just one week with no limitations to your usual lifestyle.

All post-procedure check-ups are free

Your recovery is important to us and that’s why we are looking forward to seeing you at your check-up appointments. All check-ups are free for three years after the procedure, and they can be done in Tallinn, Tartu, Helsinki or Stockholm. The first check-up is about one week after the procedure when we remove the protective contact lenses that are used to heal the eyes. The subsequent check-ups are one, three, six and twelve months after the procedure.

To book your post-procedure check-up, contact us at info@ksa.ee or +372 6 445 060.