When is the best time to have a laser eye procedure?

14. May 2014

When it comes to quality of life, eyes are essential organs. Therefore it is natural that the decision to have a laser eye procedure is one that is to be planned properly. Clients often ask about the best time to have the procedure done in order to ensure the best possible outcome.

There are several answers to the above question. From a medical point of view, the best time is when the patient’s eyesight has stabilised with no changes or worsened conditions over the previous one year period. "When eyes that are not fully stabilised are operated on, the eyesight may slightly worsen over time after the procedure," explains eye surgeon Dr Ants Haavel at KSA Vision Clinic.

Positive people recover faster

The next imporant factor is a person’s mental readiness: you must feel ready for the procedure, have a positive spirit and an optimistic attitude about the recovery. Not a single doctor at KSA Vision Clinic would recommend anyone to undergo a procedure reluctantly or with a negative attitude and uncertainty.

"Over ten years of performing laser eye procedures, we have witnessesd that the patient’s attitude and the speed of recovery are linked. In other words, positive people recover more quickly and their outcomes are considerably better than those of patients who have more negative mindsets," clarifies Dr Haavel. That also means that there is no standard recovery time – it all depends on the readiness and the attitude of the patient.

Flow procedures all year round

There is a common misconception that the results of an eye procedure would vary depending on the time of the year. However today’s modern technology enables the same outcome at any time of the year, and even the extreme seasons of Northern Europe will not affect the results. "We perform no-touch Flow procedures all year round. Often summer is the busiest season, but the results are equally good at any time of year," reassures Dr Haavel.

The post-operation recovery

100  % no-touch Flow laser procedure requires eye drops before and after the procedure in order to get the ideal outcome. "We recommend not to have this type of procedure if you are pregnant or breast feeding," says the eye surgeon. After the operation a seven day recovery period is essential, during which time it is recommended that the patient does not work, put any extra pressure on the eyes, or use a computer. Therefore our recommendation is to do this operation during a quiet time at work. The less stress there is during this period, the faster the recovery towards perfect vision will be. This goes to prove that the best time to have a laser eye procedure is when you have the right balance between work and leisure.